


Seminar: Prof. Ning Sun;Prof. Jiahua Chen(2018.12)


Job Matching under Constraints

On December 3rd, 2018, Professor Ning Sun from Institute for Social and Economic Research, Nanjing Audit University, delivered a speech named “Job Matching under Constraints”, to the staff and students from Institute of Statistics and Big Data at Renmin University of China. Prof. Liping Zhu, chaired the lecture. He emphasized the practical value of this study and hoped that the participants could learn more about Auction Mechanism Design and Matching Theory.

Semiparametric Monitoring Test Based on Clustered Data

On December 3rd, 2018, Professor Jiahua Chen from School of Mathematics and Statistics,Yunnan UniversityEnglish, delivered a speech named “Semiparametric Monitoring Test Based on Clustered Data”, to the staff and students from Institute of Statistics and Big Data at Renmin University of China. Prof. Liping Zhu, chaired the lecture. He emphasized the practical value of this study and hoped that the participants could learn more about how to test clustered data.