2018年6月18日至22日,University of Florida,同时也是National Science Foundation Center for Big Learning主任Li Xiaolin教授在我校公共教学一楼1101教室为我校师生讲授了以“Deep Learning algorithms, architectures, and applications”为主题的系列课程。
首先,李教授为我们介绍了深度学习(Deep Learning)的最新动态和广泛应用领域。目前,人们越发需要研发新的算法,以利用从自然世界、工程系统等领域中产生的巨大数据,并据此做出决策。在这个过程中,深度学习显著推动了机器智能或人工智能的复兴,具有广阔的应用前景。
接下来,李老师又讲授了深度学习的主要范式,包括监督学习(supervised learning)、无监督学习(unsupervised learning)、强化学习(reinforcement learning)等。之后李老师讲述了深度学习的经典体系结构和机制,常见的有卷积(convolutional)、递归(recurrent)、贝叶斯(Bayesian)、记忆增强(memory augmented)模型等。
最后,李教授和大家讨论了深度学习在现实世界中的实例。当前,有关深度学习的案例研究主要集中在科学、工程、商业和健康领域,主要利用了视觉、文本、传感器、基因组等多模态数据(multimodal data)。
大数据新葡京娱乐城 的老师和十余位博士研究生参加了此次课程,参与者和李教授就课程的内容、问题以及在现实中的应用等方面展开了热烈的讨论,课程取得了圆满成功。
Li Xiaolin教授简介:
Dr. Xiaolin (Andy) Li is a Full Professor and University Term Professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE, affiliated) at University of Florida (UF). He is the founding Director of National Science Foundation Center for Big Learning (CBL), the first NSF center on deep learning, with UF (lead), CMU, U. Oregon, and UMKC. He is also Director of Large-scale Intelligent Systems Laboratory (Li Lab).
His research interests include Cloud Computing, Big Data, Deep Learning, Intelligent Platforms, HPC, and Security & Privacy for Health, Precision Medicine, CPS/IoT, Science, Engineering, and Business. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings, 5 books, and 4 patents (three licensees).