2019年3月11日至2019年3月15日,来自耶鲁大学经济新葡京娱乐城 的Edward J. Vytlacil教授在我校求是楼220教室为新葡京娱乐城 及相关院系的师生们讲授了以“Selection Models, Treatment Effects, and the Econometric Evaluation of Policy Design”为主题的系列课程。
Vytlacil老师所讲授的课程是关于处理效应和项目评估(treatment effects and program evaluation)的应用微观计量经济学课程,可适用于健康经济学、劳动经济学和发展经济学等议题的研究,包括在下列两种情况下考虑处理效应参数:(1)参数因个体而异时(2)所选择的参数处理方法可能与特殊处理效应有关。Vytlacil教授进一步发展了处理效应模型,考虑对替代政策的评估(the evaluation of alternative policies),重点关注在边际处理效应框架(Marginal Treatment Effects framework)中使用工具变量和选择模型对这些项目进行评估,同时还考虑使用其他方法,包括匹配(matching)、断点回归(regression discontinuity)和随机对照试验(RCTs)等。
接着,Vytlacil老师讲授了项目影响、模型自选择和参数兴趣的异质性(Heterogeneity in program impacts, modeling self-selection, and parameter interest)。简要回顾了结构方程模型和虚拟条件(structural models and counter-factual notation),介绍了当效果因人而异时的政策干预效果,包括平均和分布处理参数(mean and distributional treatment parameters)。
随后,Vytlacil教授为我们讲解了可用于评估处理效应的替代方法,包括随机对照试验(randomized controlled trials)、面板数据(固定效应、差异差异)方法(panel data (fixed effects, difference-in-difference) methods)、匹配方法(matching methods)、工具变量法(instrumental variables)、选择模型(selection models)和断点回归方法(regression discontinuity methods)等。Vytlacil教授还为我们介绍了边界/集合识别方法(bounding/set-identification approaches),并用实例加以说明。
接下来,Vytlacil老师为大家进一步深入介绍了选择模型、工具变量和边际处理效应(Selection Models, Instrumental Variables, and the Marginal Treatment Effect)。考虑了参数选择模型(the structure of parametric)、半参数和非参数选择模型(semi-parametric, and non-parametric selection models)的结构,并将它们与LATE模型中的独立性和单调性假设联系起来。在控制自我选择(controlling for self-selection)的情况下,分别识别和评估治疗效应。Vytlacil教授关注边际处理效应参数(Marginal Treatment Effect parameter,MTE),并考虑如何通过MTE的函数形式,分析理应从政策中获益最多的人群是否真的获得了帮助。
Edward Vytlacil is an econometrician, whose work has focused on the micro-econometric methodology for treatment effect and policy evaluation using disaggregate data. A theme in his work has been in allowing for the effects of a treatment to vary across people, and allowing individuals to have some knowledge of their own idiosyncratic treatment effect and to act upon that knowledge.
AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS o Journal of Econometrics Aigner Award, with A. Shaikh and J. Bhattacharya, 2013o Fellow, Econometric Society, 2011-presento WFA Analysis Group Award for Best Paper on Financial Institutions and Markets, with W. Jiang and A. Nelson, 2010 o Journal of Econometrics Aigner Award, with A. Aakvik and J. Heckman, 2007o NBER Faculty Research Fellow, Public Economics, 2005-present.o Hoover National Fellow, 2003 - 2004 o Participant, Review of Economic Studies Annual Tour for Recent Job Market Candidates, 2000o Joint Center for Poverty Research Graduate Fellow, 1999-2000o Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1998-1999o C.V. Starr Fellow, University of Chicago, 1995-1998o University of Chicago Fellowship, 1994-1998o Phi Beta Kappa, University of Chicago, 1994