


新葡京娱乐城官网 在统计学与生命健康交叉领域发表多篇高水平论文



01  Wei Ma, Yichen Qin, Yang Li, and Feifang Hu (2020). Statistical inference for covariate-adaptive randomization procedures. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 115:531, 1488-1497

02  Le Bao, Changcheng Li, Runze Li, and Songshan Yang (2022). Causal structural learning on MPHIA individual dataset. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 117:540, 1642-1655

03  Wei Ma, Ping Li, Li-Xin Zhang, and Feifang Hu (2022). A new and unified family of covariate adaptive randomization procedures and their properties. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Published online

04  Hanzhong Liu, Fuyi Tu, and Wei Ma (2022). Lasso-adjusted treatment effect estimation under covariate-adaptive randomization. Biometrika. 110:2, 431-447

05  Yuqian Zhang, Jelena Bradic (2022). High-dimensional semi-supervised learning: in search of optimal inference of the mean. Biometrika. 109:2, 387-403

06  Tong Wang, Wei Ma (2021). The impact of misclassification on covariate-adaptive randomized clinical trials. Biometrics. 77:2, 451-464

07  Xiangyu Luo, Joel Schwartz, Andrea Baccarelli, and Zhonghua Liu (2021). Testing cell-type-specific mediation effects in genome-wide epigenetic studies. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 22:3

08  Yang Li, Wei Ma, Yichen Qin, and Feifang Hu (2021). Testing for treatment effect in covariate-adaptive randomized trials with generalized linear models and omitted covariates. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 30:9, 2148-2164

09  Fangting Zhou, Kejun He, Qiwei Li, Robert. S. Chapkin, and Yang Ni (2022). Bayesian biclustering for microbial metagenomic sequencing data via multinomial matrix factorization. Biostatistics. 23, 891-909

10  Qiuyu Wu, Xiangyu Luo (2022). Estimating heterogeneous gene regulatory networks from zero-inflated single-cell expression data. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 16, 2183-2200.

11  Wei Ma, Mengxi Wang, and Hongjian Zhu (2022). Seamless phase II/III clinical trials with covariate adaptive randomization. Statistica Sinica. 32:2, 1079-1098.

12  Qiuyu Wu, Xiangyu Luo (2022). Nonparametric Bayesian two-level clustering for subject-level single-cell expression data. Statistica Sinica. 32, 1835-1856

13  Yinqiao Yan, and Xiangyu Luo (2022). Bayesian tree-structured two-level clustering for nested data analysis.Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Accepted

14  Jinge Yu, Xiangyu Luo (2022). Identification of cell-type-specific spatially variable genes accounting for excess zeros. Bioinformatics. 38:17, 4135-4144

15  Wei Ma, Fuyi Tu, and Hanzhong Liu (2022). Regression analysis for covariate-adaptive randomization: A robust and efficient inference perspective. Statistics in Medicine. 41:29, 5645-5661

16  Fangting Zhou, Kejun He, and Yang Ni (2023). Individualized causal discovery with latent trajectory embedded Bayesian networks. Biometrics, Accepted

17  Gu Y, Liu H and Ma W. (2023). Regression‐based multiple treatment effect estimation under covariate‐adaptive randomization. Biometrics, Accepted