Shiyuan He obtained his Ph.D in statistics from Texas A&M University.
Research Interests:
1. Functional Data Analysis.
2. Bayesian modeling and variational Bayes.
3. Statistics and matrix manifold optimization.
4. Astrostatistics: supernova and variables light curve fitting.
1. He, S., Wang, L., & Huang, J. Z. (2018). Characterization of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves Using Principal Component Analysis of Sparse Functional Data. The Astrophysical Journal, 857(2), 110.
2. Yuan, W., Macri, L. M., He, S., Huang, J. Z., Kanbur, S. M., and Ngeow, C. C. (2017). Large Magellanic Cloud Near-Infrared Synoptic Survey. V. Period-Luminosity Relations of Miras.The Astronomical Journal ,154(4).
3. W. Yuan, S. He, L. M. Macri, J. Long, J. Z. Huang, (2017). The M33 Synoptic Stellar Survey II. Mira Variables. The Astronomical Journal ,153(4), 153--170.
4. S. He, J. Du, J. Z. Huang (2017). A Singular Value Decomposition Feature Extraction (SVDFE) Method for Cost Performance Forecasting. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering , 31(5), 04017043.
5. S. He, W. Yuan, J. Long, L.M. Macri, J.Z. Huang, (2016). Period Estimation for Sparsely Sampled Quasi-periodic Light Curves Applied to Miras.The Astronomical Journal , 152 (6), 164--175.
6. S. He, J. Yin, H. Li and X. Wang (2014). Graphical Model Selection and Estimation for High Dimensional Tensor Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis , 128, 165--185.