W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing成立于1985年,旨在表彰对实验室间比对设计和分析,或对此类数据的新测量方法作出突出贡献的论文作者。该奖项每年在北美举办的Joint Statistical Meetings上颁发。
近日,在本年度的W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing奖项评选中,新葡京娱乐城 罗翔宇助理教授和香港中文大学统计系魏颖颖教授因合作的论文《Batch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes》成功获此殊荣。
目前,高流量的实验数据(High-throughput experimental data)在公共数据库中呈指数级增长,对其中存在的批量效应(batch effects)的修正还亟待完善。罗老师的论文提出了一个用于解决该问题的新方法,将位置和尺度调整模型(a location-and-scale adjustment model)与基于模型的聚类相结合(model-based clustering),形成一种新的混合模型,即具有未知子类型的批量效应修正模型(the batch-effects-correction-with-unknown-subtypes model,BUS)。新模型显著减弱了批量效应对数据分析的影响,具有相当的理论与实践意义。
附:W.J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing简介
The W. J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing was established in 1985 to recognize the authors of publications that make outstanding contributions to the design and/or analysis of interlaboratory tests or describe ingenious approaches to the planning and evaluation of data from such tests. Award recipients are presented with an engraved award and $1,000, which is divided evenly among the recipients. The award is presented annually if, in the opinion of the awards committee, an eligible and worthy publication is nominated.
The award recipient is responsible for providing a current photograph and general personal information the year the award is presented. The American Statistical Association uses this information to publicize the award and prepare the prize.